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May 25, 2003

Current Games I'm Playing

Another extented entry, mostly just here to list what all is going on so I can keep track of it, or so that future references make some sense. Not that I have anywhere near as many PCs as I've had in my more active gaming periods, but it's still quite a few.

  • After the Fall is bi-weekly D&D played down in Fall River, MA with Julia as GM. Ezhno, my PC, is a centaur ranger who left his people both to keep a promise made to a wandering stranger (an NPC who appears in all the PCs' backgrounds) and because he didn't quite fit in at home. He doesn't quite fit in elsewhere, either... but he's starting to bond with the group of misfits the PCs are here. He's also pretty much the front-line fighter-type of the group, which fits his fairly straightforward manner.
  • Against the Tide of Darkness is a monthly D&D game, also played in Fall River but this time with Lou as the GM. Valentin is a wandering bard, only survivor of a caravan that wandered too far past safe borders (if there are even any of those left in this part of the world). He is tall, handsome, a bit overly showy, and is proving to be a terrible shot with his crossbow. I'm not completely convinced he doesn't consider himself a character in a story rather than a person in significant danger... He's also approaching a point where he'll have to make a dramatic choice and shift into a prestigue class that will significantly change him. That is, assuming D&D 3.5 doesn't mess up things.
  • Spook is a psychic cat I became player for in Lou's PBEM post-apocalyptic GURPS game, SBE (he started off as an NPC). Despite his NPC origins, he's the hero of the story (honest... just ask him!), and pretty soon he'll manage to convince someone to let him drive, or maybe rig a machine gun he can use now and then. Until then, he'll keep putting bad guys to sleep and watching his pal DJ's back.
  • Nikolao is my character in James's Passions of the Tides PBEM. He is a partially crippled veteran of the ongoing war between merfolk and the fish-men who, upon his return, became a strong anti-war voice and, thus, something of an embarrassment to his war-hero uncle. This is a young game, but has gotten off to an amazing start, including an attempt on Nikolao's life that caught me completely off guard.
  • Rilla and Gevrok are characters played by Julia and I, respectively, in an irregular D&D campaign Lou runs, extending from episodes started at TurkeyCon, an annual gathering of friends each Thanksgiving. Two fairly simple mercenaries find themselves chosen bodyguards of a teen Emperor whose kingdom is being invaded by fiendish horrors. Gevrok, a half-orc Barbarian-Cleric, is not really bright enough for many of the challenges he faces, but doesn't give up easily, and maybe that covers for it. Plus he's a cleric of the Fool (though he prefers to call him "The Star Child" because that other name doesn't sound properly respectful), so has a pool of dumb luck to draw on.
  • Starchild (no relation to Gevrok's god) is a character I play in Edwin Voskamp's ShadowWorld games, at as many cons as I can get to. She's great fun to play, and her personality is a complete mis-match for the militaristic missions she often finds herself on. But as a powerful (increasingly so!) precognitive, she's a valuable field agent despite her pacifistic tendancies and spaced-out manner (a side-effect of using her power). Only a couple of the other players seem to appreciate the magnitude of her other psychic power, which allows her to enter sleeping persons' dreams and pretty much redecorate the place with only a few limits. I think people aren't afraid of that because they don't think she'll ever misuse it...
  • Lex Feiter is my recurring guest-agent in J P Brannan's On Her Majesty's Secret Service Ambercon campaign (I usually play in the sessions held at The Black Road). He doesn't quite fit the campaign, which is gadget and powers loaded Rebman characters while he's a nearly-pure-stats guy from the CIA... the Cabran Intelligence Agency. But every now and then a mission needs the straightforward approach...
And that's about it right now... As with GMing, I'm a bit short on time and that keeps me from doing quite as much as I'd like to!

Posted by ghoul at May 25, 2003 09:46 PM

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Okay, something's messed up in your templates, because clicking on the "more" entry leads me to your cat_gaming archives.

A misplaced tag, perhaps?

Posted by: Julia at May 27, 2003 11:04 AM

Hey! That was working yesterday!

These things aren't supposed to be quite that fragile!

Posted by: Ghoul at May 27, 2003 01:36 PM


Looks like it's fixed now, tho. :)

Posted by: Julia at May 27, 2003 01:41 PM

Not a tag problem... I changed an MT option to favor Category archives over Individual archives and, in fact, if you do that extended entries seem to stop working (with my slightly modified standard templates, at least).

I changed it back to Individual, it all works fine.

Posted by: Ghoul at May 27, 2003 01:45 PM

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