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July 07, 2003

Look What I Found

I was digging around on an old disk and found this... At one point, I had a web page of cute kitten pictures, but I lost most of them. This one seems to have survived.

So, here's a chance to meet Lightning and Thunder (as of four years ago...). This picture was taken about 2 days after I got them to my house (from their birthplace in Brooklyn, NY). I came to their room (they were still limited in range in the house... to the pantry/utility room) and there they weren't. I panicked for a bit, looked around, moved a couple semi-heavy boxes, looked around a bit more, then decided to get rid of the pair of socks I had carried downstairs and look around some more.

I heard a small mewling sound as the socks hit the laundry basket...

Kittens In Laundry

Posted by ghoul at July 7, 2003 05:46 PM

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What a wonderful shot -- one is the other's shadow.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo at July 7, 2003 05:55 PM

Awwww! How adorable! And that is a really nice photo. Mine rarely cooperate like that.

Posted by: Ginger at July 7, 2003 06:08 PM

Great shot! The two kittens -- Joxer and Xena -- we rescued a few months back clean each other all the time, and sleep together.

Demon and Goblin, our other two, would never dream of such a thing...

Posted by: Scott at July 7, 2003 06:48 PM

Surely they were never that small! :)

Posted by: Julia at July 9, 2003 09:59 AM

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