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July 18, 2003
ReFi Fo Fum IV
Closing done (signed my name way too many times), last-minute confusion on the rate solved (the bank never told the closing company I had locked in a lower rate about a month ago), and now it's just waiting for the check (3 business days).
So it seems to have all happened as hoped for!
Posted by ghoul at July 18, 2003 12:05 PM
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Posted by: Ginger at July 18, 2003 12:32 PM
Glad to see that everything went smoothly!
Posted by: Jessi at July 18, 2003 02:18 PM
*does happy pika dance*
See? Told you it would all work out.
Posted by: Dorothea Salo at July 20, 2003 04:35 PM
want a financing horror story? the Jacobs Clan is buying a house. a month or so ago, I find a lender and start the process, and after submitting all my vital statistics, then run it through the fannie mae/freddy mac automatic approving system and we're a go. one week shy of closing, I get a call: the underwriters have turned down out loan. holy sh*t.
luckily, my realtor had suggested i set up with another lender for an 'emergency backup loan,' though his reasoning was that they might not have all the paperwork in order at the last minute. well, even a back-up lender will need 3 days even if everything is in place, so I let the 2nd on drop. so when the first lender flaked, I called #2, but he said he couldn't process it in less than 2 weeks. argh!
realtor then gives me the name of lender #3, who says he can turn it around in a week (using lender #2's appraisal, lucky to have it). in fact, he wants to move settlement UP 2 days.
and lender #3 pulled it off, everything falling into place just a few hours shy of closing. whew...
Posted by: Mike Jacobs at July 22, 2003 03:06 PM
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