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July 21, 2003
Role Call 25 - Idealism
What qualities would your ideal game group possess?
I would want a good mix of folk... Players with different interests are players interested in playing different types of characters, which leads to characters with more differences, and very different characters lead to an easier time giving each character a share of the spotlight.
I would want at least two or three people who care about game mechanics and around the same number who don't at all, because both perspectives are critical to getting it right.
I would love having most everyone be willing to GM, allowing for rotation (and perhaps even for a chance to really play Rune!).
I would hope we'd have other interests in common, and would go to movies or other non-gaming events in groups or sub-groups because that's the sort of things friends do.
I would welcome a healthy desire to experiment, as I've got lots of games and game ideas I'd love to try. And it takes a special group to be willing to experiment, particularly to go through learning a new game and setting only to have it fail rather than flourish, and that will happen sometimes.
I would want the game to be enough of a priority that people plan for it and around it, though I don't mind the occasional conflict in schedules.
I would really like it if they were less than 120 miles away (which is the biggest flaw with my face-to-face gaming situation currently).
(Some of these answers will change if I'm to be GM or player with this group... But not most of them.)
Posted by ghoul at July 21, 2003 03:14 PM
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> I would really like it if they were less
> than 120 miles away (which is the biggest
> flaw with my face-to-face gaming situation
> currently).
I know exactly how you feel. *wry smile*
Posted by: Michael Curry at July 24, 2003 11:02 PM
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