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August 20, 2003

Role Call 28 - It's Not Unusual

What's the most unusual setting in which your game has been set, and what makes it so unusual?

My personal taste runs strongly to unusual settings... So much so that I consider them fairly common.

Passions of the Tide? A great setting, and lots of unique potential, as James already wrote. Bunnies and Burrows is a longtime fave, as is Teenagers from Outer Space (which, particularly when GMed by designer Mike Pondsmith or by complete loon David Handy, can be amazingly weird). How about Amber re-casts (my own Nine Princes in Hong Kong or others, such as wild west or pulp adventure ideas)? There's the much-lamented Sandman, a game where even the GM doesn't know who the PCs are (it was a secret being leaked out over several planned releases, of which only the first actually happened). Cynosure (of Grimjack comics) or Bugtown (of Savage Henry and Those Annoying Post Brothers, among other titles) are multiverses where the extremely unusual is commonplace (out-of-favor gods are sitting drunk in the gutter or playing with the band, depending on which source you use). And, speaking of gods, there was a game where we played mythic gods returning to the modern world; I played an NYC art scene groupie who became the incarnation of the muses (all of them in one, which was quite confusing for her).

I like things weird.

Posted by ghoul at August 20, 2003 10:28 AM

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I have, for a great many years, wanted to run a GURPS Cynosure campaign. Never had the right group of people, though.

Posted by: Iron Llama at August 21, 2003 08:21 AM

Curiously enough, I had written up a proposal for a GURPS Cynosure product (without getting the license first, of course, and I suspect that would have proved all but impossible) and had sent it to Lloyd Blankenship, with whom I had become acquainted on CompuServe's RPGames forum.

It arrived at his home computer about 20 hours before the infamous secret service raid.

I then decided it probably wasn't meant to be.

Posted by: Ghoul at August 21, 2003 09:22 AM

> I then decided it probably wasn't meant to be.

ICE might have had the license by then anyway, so, yes, probably not. Pity, really. I think that would have been a far better showcase for GURPS's versatility than Time Travel was.

Speaking of Grimjack:
Look for the "JACK'S BACK" heading.

Posted by: Iron Llama at August 21, 2003 09:37 AM

They hadn't actually, but it wasn't long after when they announced it. I did actually play a RoleMaster Cynosure game at GenCon and was rather put off by the 5 pages of photocopied charts that were needed for a multi-tech weapon focused character.

But I welcome the news that John O is finally going to get more material out and is going to apparently ignore the (IMO silly) issue that Cynosure wasn't initially his creation... It was a throw-away in its original use (one of the Warp annuals) and he picked it up (initially in a later Warp backup story, where an early sketch of John Gaunt lurks in the background) and made something wonderful of it. More Cynosure would be a VERY good thing!

Posted by: Ghoul at August 21, 2003 09:43 AM

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