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November 01, 2003
Just What Is He Up To?
More silence here at the Staircase of late...
Mostly, I've been enjoying the very nice New England autumn, which I fear will turn nasty very soon. Of course, today it's supposed to be in the seventies, so I'll probably head out for a while to enjoy it. Soon, all this color will be sticks and snow.
Work's been... well, work. I have a big new product rolling out Monday, and the last couple of weeks have been full of people wanting early sample calculations. So far, the results have been quite well received, and I may well have another big hit to my credit.
Meanwhile, I've been making my way through a huge stockpile of DVDs and books, plus a few new games. I'll try to get some reviews together when I scrape up some moments.
Also, I've returned to work on my HeroQuest-based original fantasy world (mentioned back here), updating it to the new rules edition where needed, polishing up some rough spots, with an eye toward perhaps starting some play with it (likely on Dreamlyrics) early in 2004.
So... that's what I'm doing rather than typing blog entries.
Posted by ghoul at November 1, 2003 09:54 AM
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While I'd love to get Heroquest, no one will play it -- everyone's suffering from Game System Overload, and doesn't want to learn new systems.
[mutters] I'd kill to run a Glorantha game again. Been far too long. Last time I was in one, we were Illuminated rune-levels running around a Dart War in Bikhy that saw us defending one House, while assuming a number of fake identities, including our favorites, the faux-Thanatari. We ended up bringing Jar-eel into town after we flubbed a Heroquest, resulting in the emperor getting irked.
A fun game.
Posted by: Scott at November 5, 2003 10:12 AM
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