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November 10, 2003
Consolation Prize
One good thing that came out of my stop at the movies yesterday...
I got to see this trailer spread wide over the screen, and without even knowing it was coming. (The trailer, I mean... the movie is one I've been following news about for a while now.)
I’ve seen lots of attempts at this story that fail for being half-assed and unwilling to even attempt the epic scope necessary to do it right. This trailer shows me that, no matter what else might happen, this film will not be insufficiently epic.
Now, I suspect it still won’t approach this comic in providing the depth and detail this story demands… But it simply doesn’t have the time for that.
Posted by ghoul at November 10, 2003 10:16 AM
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I was not too happy with the recent TV miniseries they did on Helen. This has *got* to be better.
Thanks for the tip, Jack, I had no idea this was coming out. And my tastes for this sort of stuff are well known. May, huh? Next summer's event movie, looks like
Posted by: Paul at November 11, 2003 11:48 AM
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