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November 12, 2003
Packing, Packing, Packing
All right, it's almost time for the annual trek south, and that means I need to pack up a tub or two of board games...
So, this is more a post for those who will also be with us in Raleigh come T-day. But I'm open for kibitzing from almost anyone.
No, these aren't necessarily "favorite games"... I have to pack for what I know others want to play, and I tend to bias toward interesting new games that I hope for a chance to try out.
So, here's the current list...
Already in NC...
- Pitchcar
- Bang!
- Diceland:OGRE
- Something else I've forgotten...
Currently being packed...
- Spooks
- Lawless
- Babel
- Nobody But Us Chickens
- Weedle
- Flea Circus
- Monkeys On The Moon
- Puerto Rico
- New England
- Mare Nostrum
- Clans
- Hellas
- Odin's Ravens
- Balloon Cup
- Atlanteon
- Citadels
- Kingdoms
- Formula Motor Racing
- Battleline
- Queen's Necklace
- Message to the Czar
- Apples to Apples (w/ exp 1-4)
- Attack! (w/expansion)
So... anyone who'll be there want to make comments or requests? This all doesn't even fill my two tubs, really... barely one and a half! So there's room to request some old favorites or what have you.
Posted by ghoul at November 12, 2003 06:33 PM
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Jack, can you bring your copy of Paladin of Souls? I haven't had time to read the library copy yet, and we really should return it before we go.
Posted by: Julia at November 19, 2003 01:03 PM
You know, it's sitting right on top of the games that didn't make the cut right now... I stacked it there last night, rescuing the bookmark I had left in to remind me of my favorite quote (which comes from very near the end of the book, so I will wait 'til you've read it).
Not a problem at all!
Posted by: Ghoul at November 19, 2003 01:53 PM
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