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November 26, 2003
Gaming Stores of TurkeyCon 2003 (Day Two)
A simpler day for Game Store trip two. We got a late start and had a time limit, so we just hit the new store near the house.
And I found the Warcraft board game! That and Puerto Rico are currently high on the "play me!" stack, once we shift to a more serious mood.
Until then, sillier games dominated. We played some of Knizia's Flea Circus (a game of repeated "steal points from the other guys" fun), then our traditional Knizia's Formula Motor Racing. Much fun was had, and much silliness occurred, particularly when Lou, who loves FMR but never, ever wins, finished with the maximum 16 points after the first race. He didn't know how to react.
Posted by ghoul at November 26, 2003 08:35 AM
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