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January 15, 2004
New Blogroll Links
R. Sean Borgstrom's Hitherby Dragons, which showcases regular samples of the creatively offbeat fiction also found in the RPG Nobilis, is well worth giving some time. Some of the pieces are quite astonishingly good.
Also recently added is Amadan's A Gathering of Fools. I met Amadan via the Compuserve RPGames forum back in the day, and he remains as opinionated and thoughtful as ever. We don't always agree (though we often do), but it's great to see him create a forum for himself. I just wish he pinged updates...
Alton Brown has promised to update his Rants and Raves page more often, and since leaping into the Mad Cow issue he's certainly kept his word.
Check 'em out when you have a moment.
Addendum: The Creative Guy has moved to Cabbages and Kings, which is now reflected in the Blogroll as well.
Posted by ghoul at January 15, 2004 07:45 AM
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I'll ping updates when I get around to reading about how to do that. ;) (I'm sure it's very simple, but I'm trying to learn a bunch of other very simple things right now, some of which are more directly related to improving my employment situation...)
Posted by: Amadan at January 18, 2004 09:14 PM
It is actually fairly easy... There's checkboxes in your MT preferences to notify blo.gs and weblogs.com when you update. That allows blogroll to distribute the notification.
(I had to go check how you turn this on, since I had Jeanne do all my initial configuration for me. I'm only now starting to poke around and see what I could modify...)
Posted by: Ghoul at January 19, 2004 07:43 AM
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