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February 06, 2004

Improvements in the Chaos

Well, actually, work is pretty much completely crazy just now, so maybe it's just a transfer of chaos.

Still, the whole chimney thing is turning out OK... Homeowners insurance looked at it, decided they wouldn't cover anything but the cosmetic damage -- costing about 1/3rd as much to fix as the real problem... and, of course, both need fixing.

Then they delivered their estimate for the cosmetic repairs, which came in at slightly over 70% of the total repair... including the 75% of it that they "aren't covering".

Happy, happy me!

Now I just need to get the repairs done (scheduled for next Wednesday if parts arrive and weather cooperates) and maybe get work calmed down enough to let me finish my first RPG setting document (which I'll work on some this weekend, but mostly I'll watch DVDs to de-tox from very stressful times in the office).

Not much blogging while I do that.

Posted by ghoul at February 6, 2004 06:49 PM

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