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March 05, 2004
Game Work Continues
Yesterday, I completed an extensive re-thinking of the Cultural and Profession Keywords for the plainsfolk side of my bronze age RPG setting. As mentioned before, this world is to be run on Dreamlyrics (and via email) using HeroQuest rules.
Choosing HQ as the rules base has been a mixed blessing. I've found it provides a great way to add detail to the world through the Abilities (particularly the "Typical Personality Traits") attached to the various Keywords. I also think its narrative focus will help me a lot since my setting is intended to be quite open to player input.
Unfortunately, the exact cosmology of Glorantha doesn't quite match the one I'm using, and so I'm still struggling with a few details of magic and, as a result, the Religion keywords (and the Common Magic abilities in other Keywords). There are some significant cosmological facts built into HQ's magic rules, and it's proving tricky to pull some of them out without leaving nasty tangles of roots behind. I'm 90% happy with what I have, but I'm hoping to make it better over the next couple of days. And I still need to work out just what Sorcery is in my setting, because it won’t be at all like the Gloranthan version.
As things stand, I’m hoping to send out files on Sunday. With the nomadic/clan-focused ATP (Across the Plains) documents sent to potential players to read over, ask questions, and start work on characters, I'm going to give some time to making similar updates to AAT (aaTemos), the more advanced city-focused neighboring setting. (The three-letter codes are a Dreamlyrics thing, a carryover from its CompuServe RPGames days.)
Posted by ghoul at March 5, 2004 08:18 AM
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How do you plan on running the email part of the game? As separate threads from the Dreamlyric part, or is there some way to interface the two?
Posted by: Michael at March 6, 2004 03:17 PM
Separate thread. The email players will be playing in the same world, but won't cross paths with the Dreamlyrics players. Unless I manage to figure out a way to make that happen.
This game will be a set of solo games or small groups anyway.
Posted by: Ghoul at March 6, 2004 04:04 PM
Okay, that's what I'd expected the answer would be, since I couldn't see any obvious way to have email and Dreamlyrics players together. I was just checking to see if there was some way that I'd missed.
Posted by: Michael at March 7, 2004 11:25 AM
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