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April 16, 2004
Had To See This On Opening Day
Just back from Kill Bill vol 2.
It's a very different film from vol 1, just as the distinct chapters of vol 1 differ from each other. And, in that way, it's several different movies inside itself. An Italian suspense/horror inspired film, a Shaw Brothers martial arts film, a noir double-crossing criminals film, and an oddly quirky mother/daughter bonding film, even bits of a cute little romantic comedy. It can be all of those because QT is a very talented man, and can splice together things that don't really work together in any lesser work. He's also too bold and cocky to realize it won't possibly work, the perfect man to make it work in spite of everything.
Not nearly as much an over-the-top splatterfest as vol 1, the violence here is more direct and personal than the mass bloodlettings of the Crazy 88. I don't recall a nearly perfectly black screen accompanied by sound effects being nearly that affecting before (and I have seen it tried). Bill is every bit as creepy and charming as he needed to be, Elle is a perfect dark mirror of The Bride, and Pai Mei is as delightful an Old Master as there has ever been. You'll be glad to know these people, and just as glad that they're fictional. Plus, little BB has great taste in bedtime videos (I missed the next lines I was laughing so hard).
Some parts would have worked far better had Mirimax just let the 3 to 4 hour original edit come out, and I'll be looking forward to the re-combined DVD version I'm sure we'll see before too long, but you'll miss too much if you don't see this on the big screen.
And stay through the credits... Q&U have a final little "gift" for the patient.
Posted by ghoul at April 16, 2004 08:00 PM
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