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July 06, 2004
Does Whatever A Spider Can
Well, it wasn't perfect, but it sure was good!
Spider-Man 2 is the sort of sequel we need more of. It's completely aware of its role, it restarts and expands upon pretty much every tread of the first film, and because of that it almost feels like we just got to see the next few reels of a single project. The cast is solid, both the returning actors and the wonderful new Doc Ock. Here we get another man driven insane by the source of his powers, just like the Goblin in the first, but that's where the resemblance ends. Gobby was driven by anger and revenge, Doc is trapped in his obsessions, willing to do anything to prove he was right. Add to this Molina's willingness to let Doc be the tubby scientist left bare-chested for scene after scene and you have a perfect recreation of a comic-book character I never expected to see actually moving around.
Meanwhile, Spidey's cascade of life's little tragedies continue. If things went well for him, he'd be another superhero. Oh, he gets something of a happy ending, but there's still a lot of mess in his life. There's two or three more villain's I've already spotted set-ups for, and I was much more a DC fan than a Marvel fan in my heavy comics reading days.
They over-compensated a bit for the first movie's biggest problem (a lack of facial expression visibility), but when that's the biggest flaw of a film, I really can't complain.
Sam Raimi really has a nigh-perfect grasp of how to do Spider-Man, and we can only hope for more and more.
Posted by ghoul at July 6, 2004 06:22 PM
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