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September 29, 2004

ACN After Action Summary

Well, it wasn't easy, but I think it was worth it.

The hotel issues summarized in the daily entries made for a lot higher stress on the con chair and treasurer (I'm the later... Craig Sparling is the former), and despite the good results in the games may well have burned bridges with the location that has been ACN's home for more than half its life. Even now, alternatives are being identified for evaluation over the next few months.

AmberCon North will most definitely continue. I'd considered stepping down prior to this year's con, but now I'm in "I refuse to let THAT make me quit" mode, so I'm around for at least one more year. And, in fact, relocating (or at least reviewing relocation options) will likely make us get organized sooner, which may help us reverse our slowly declining numbers. I think it's time to see ACN back into the 50+ attendance range (though I remember how tricky making game schedules can be when the con is larger... maybe I should re-think that wish!).

The GM Guest of Honor program was well received, with Chris Kindred's games very well attended and enjoyed. As such, I expect that idea to be carried forward.

Thanks to everyone who attended, especially those who put up with their own hotel hell. Many were even nice enough to come commiserate with the staff in our darker hotel moments. Believe me, it helped! We'll be back in touch soon to gather opinions on how to best improve the con.

Posted by ghoul at September 29, 2004 06:58 AM

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Please do keep us in mind as things develop. I would miss the possible travel to Toronto and the dynamic of ACN gaming in September.

Posted by: Arref at September 29, 2004 04:19 PM

Sorry I missed it again. Maybe next year.

Speaking of hells, here's a question: Did ACNers have any horror stories regarding airport security and/or border crossings?

Posted by: just john at September 30, 2004 03:57 PM


Sorry you couldn't make it as well... in fact, this year we actually managed to take your advice and gain access to the basement space for gaming, if only by accident. You were right, of course... it's very interesting and useful space.

Too bad it's attached to that hotel.

Posted by: Ghoul at September 30, 2004 05:07 PM

No border crossing problems or delays with my group. We took the Detroit/Windsor tunnel for the trip out (US to Canada) and the Blue Water Bridge between Sarnia and Port Huron for the trip back.

Posted by: Kris F. at September 30, 2004 06:13 PM

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