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October 22, 2004

Cold Weather Milage Already

That didn't take long.

Around 34025, I noticed I'd slipped back to 45.0 MPG. Since then (13 miles ago), I've bounced back up and down between the two. The main cause is the lower milage of the cold morning drive, I'm betting... There's been frost on the car 3 mornings in the last two weeks. Not that this is bad news... It means I'm only averaging 45 MPG over the last 2 week's driving, which is still not so bad.

I'm expecting to get some good milage on my drive to this weekend's games and SF book club meeting, so 45.1 should be restored and shorn-up for a little longer, but now I don't think I'll make it out of 2004 with that 45.1 still intact. (Earlier dreams of making 45.2 this are, of course, now proven to be just that.)

Posted by ghoul at October 22, 2004 10:37 AM

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