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November 15, 2004
T'Con Game Priorities
Following up on yesterday, here's my personal priorities among those games I've packed...
Sure to be played (returning faves)
- Pitchcar (now with Pitchcar Action Set, which I didn't have last year)
- Formula Motor Racing (random racing fun)
- Flea Circus (cute cats and dogs as scoring chips)
- Balloon Cup (simple, subtle fun)
- Apples to Apples (lots of late-night silly associations)
My Priorities
- War of the Rings (Grant and I are going to find the time for this one!)
- Axis and Allies D-Day (Okay, the first two are probably just Grant and I... Ryan may join in on this one, though)
- Ticket to Ride
- Bang!
- Blue Moon (These three I played in NYC and really want to intro to the T'Con crowd)
- Betrayal At House on the Hill (I have the errata, so I hope we can work around the production issues)
- Runebound (with first expansion)
- Pirate's Cove (just looks too good to not play)
- Cloud 9 (looks simple and fun enough to be well worth the time)
If Time Allows and/or By Request...
- Memoir '44 (there's already a copy there, so mine is only to allow for the massive two-set Overlord scenario)
- Citadels
- Kingdoms (these two have been along the last two years and never quite bubbled to the top)
- San Juan (Puerto Rico was a hit last year, this is the card game version)
- Cthulhu 500 (more silly racing, this a little more serious in play than its appearance)
- Battleline (great strategic game, may get some exposure)
- Queen's Necklace
- Coloretto
- Greed Quest (fun, silly dungeon crawl)
- Attika
- Grave Robbers from Outer Space
- James Earnest's Totally Renamed Spy Game
- Master and Commander (just too pretty to not bring along)
- Duell (a new version of a personal favorite)
- Arkham Horror (Lou asked me to bring it... and it's always fun)
- King's Breakfast
- Wheedle
- Wooly Bully
- Magna Grecia
- Mare Nostrum
- Fightball
I think there'll be fun had!
Posted by ghoul at November 15, 2004 04:07 PM
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It'll be good to see y'all! Hopefully Carol and I will be able to catch you there!
Posted by: Jon&Carol at November 20, 2004 07:57 PM
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