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December 23, 2004

Lunchtime Poll #6 - Novelization

"Why are people who are role-playing for the creativity of it not writing novels instead?"

There are several good answers, starting with Li's own, but I'd add this, which is something of a combination of points already made...

Many gamers (myself included) would be severely flawed writers. I, for example, am terrible at physical descriptions (I don't think visually; if I had to write for a living, maybe I should script radio dramas or something, though I bet that doesn't pay too well these days) and only moderately good at integrating episodes into a broader plot. As such, a novel I would write would be pretty sorry stuff.

But when I'm gaming, even heavily narrative-focused gaming such as most PBEM play, I get to ride on other people's work. They can do the parts of writing they do well, I can focus on the parts I do well, and if we don't mesh with any degree of smoothness or if it's painfully obvious who wrote each paragraph, who cares? It's writing for the fun of character/story creation/exploration, and not necessarily for anyone not part of it to ever see.

Which isn't to say I don't try to put some flourish in for the other players and lurkers... Just that I neither demand of myself nor expect of others an individual degree of the writer's skill set anywhere close to where I'd put the bar for serious novel-writing.

Posted by ghoul at December 23, 2004 11:19 AM

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I don't see that one or the other needs to be mutually exclusive. I see good roleplay work as a pump-primer for writing -- even, or especially, unrelated work -- and vice versa.

Posted by: Doyce at December 25, 2004 01:08 AM

When role-playing, you have constant feedback from other people, so you can pace things accordingly. With a novel, that's not so automatic.

Posted by: just john at December 26, 2004 03:37 PM

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