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January 15, 2005
Winter Milage Update
After a 21 mile back-and-forth, my displayed milage dropped to 44.9 MPG on the north side of Boston last night. I'm going to call it as happening at 36,136, which means my milage from when I dropped to 45.0 to this drop (just less than a month later) was 38.75. No car likes winter, but the 2002 Prius really suffers, losing around 10 MPG... I've read that the newer model is significantly less sensitive, but I don't own one of those.
But February game cancellations look like they'll reduce my driving over the next 45 days by around a third, so it's possible I'll only slip as low as 44.7 before the (so far rather mild) winter ends. But there's a lot of uncertainty there.
Posted by ghoul at January 15, 2005 11:35 PM
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