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July 23, 2005
I'm Back!
Well, it's been a bit ugly, these last three weeks...
Somehow, the database lurking behind this site got itself all confused, rendering it impossible to update the site without it all crashing down around me. And, to make matters worse, the bug also prevented updating any backups or otherwise saving the site with one simple step.
Instead, the text of all entries and comments since the version update back at the end of April had to be cut out and a backup file created by hand. Meanwhile, the whole site needed to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. I did the former, Jeanne handled the later (thanks a ton, Jeanne! I could not have managed this alone!).
And now, at the end, it's all done.
What was lost? Well, I had a draft for a post I'd written about a new board game that's lost (I'll re-write it tonight or tomorrow), all comments since April are now simplistically coded (commenter name only, no URL, email, or typekey link), and exactly one comment was mostly lost.
All in all, minor damage.
Expect a return to at least my regular pattern of occasional posting. Whatever that means.
Posted by ghoul at July 23, 2005 01:43 PM
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Boy, Am *I* relieved! We'll both maintain a better backup schedule from now on.
Posted by: mata at July 23, 2005 01:48 PM
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