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August 13, 2005
Off Toward Indy
I'm heading toward GenCon, with a planned stop to visit family along the way. All-told, this will be the longest vacation I've taken since moving to NH for my new job.
Oddly enough, being away from home may just cause more blog activity that usual, as I find free wireless to check in and, most likely, drop a note here as well. (And probably to do more than announce the milage bumps I expect on the Prius during this long, reasonably constant speed summer trip. Yes, I'm driving there and back, both because I actually like driving and because I wanted no significant space limitation on my GenCon game purchases!)
The weather for the first part of the drive, though, is starting rainy and unwelcoming... I sure hope that part doesn't last!
Update: Between initial posting and actually departure, all signs of rain have vanished. Good omen?
Posted by ghoul at August 13, 2005 06:25 AM
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