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August 15, 2005

FLGS vs Con

This is a statement of principal. As such, it means fairly little, but I may as well make it.

I would rather make a purchase from a retail game store than from most game publishers. Because if there aren't stores, at least until online ordering and delivery scales up to a good bit better than it currently is, there won't be publishers anyway.

As such, I've done a fair number of gaming purchases prior to even getting to GenCon.

I have a feeling my total once this week is over will be scary-high. But that's pretty much why I'm going!

Posted by ghoul at August 15, 2005 02:06 PM

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>I would rather make a purchase from a retail
>game store than from most game publishers.
>Because if there aren't stores, at least
>until online ordering and delivery scales
>up to a good bit better than it currently
>is, there won't be publishers anyway.

I might go by this too, if I bought games that tended to be carried by a LGS. As it is, I'll likely just be placing an order with IPR once the new post-GenCon stuff is available.

Posted by: Michael Curry [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 15, 2005 07:00 PM

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