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July 15, 2006
Plan For The Weekend
Nominally, I'm actually home this weekend (after spending the last several traveling and/or gaming). But that just means lots of errands to catch up on. And, since it's going to be over 90 outside and humid, I'm doing my best to stick to indoor plans.
- Get to the local Apple Store to get my failed hard drive replaced. And no, no data was recovered.
- Swing by game store near the Apple Store to pick up new arrivals (there are at least two there, and two or three others I want to put on order).
- Once home, begin the process of reinstalling important apps and recreating what data can be recreated, mostly from my laptop, which has older versions of many things... and actually the most up-to-date for my email and financial records, which is good luck.
- Download a utility to recover music from my iPod.
- Determine which CDs need to be re-imported into iTunes (those not recoverable from my iPod, since it only had space for 75% or so of my collection).
- Sort out more "want to play soon" boardgame titles and de-clutter game shelves by storing less interesting ones away in an upstairs closet.
- Find some time for the French Grand Prix tomorrow AM.
- Watch episodes of The Champions as time allows.
So not exactly a quiet weekend. But I hope it'll be productive!
Posted by ghoul at July 15, 2006 08:38 AM
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