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July 17, 2006
RPG Play Preferences
Based on the method presented here and on some GM questions from a not quite completed conversation a week and a bit ago, let me present a list...
- I like games where the protagonists are influential, especially when they don't initially realize it.
- I like games where the relationships among the protagonists aren't simplistic.
- I like games where the protagonists can be flawed and imperfect both at the beginning and at the end.
- I like games where there is a sense of story through the characters rather than around the characters.
- I like games where there are both tactical and grand-level challenges to the protagonists and to their players.
- I like games where mistakes come back to haunt those who make them, especially when they do so at an unexpected time or place and/or with interest.
- I like games where the protagonists abilities outgrow their expectations.
- I like games where I end up making a decisions for a character I would never imagine making before it is put before me.
- I like games where the real and familiar is used to accent the strange and unusual.
- I like games where my character can be good at things I'm bad at or bad at things I'm good at and both work to expectations in play.
- I like games where I can demonstrate what things my character is good at even if the dice are against me, but will still challenge these abilities on a regular basis.
- I like games where failure (large and small) is always an option without prematurely ending the game.
- I like games where the players are free to communicate their game-specific interests, expectations, likes, and dislikes continuously and effectively.
- I especially like games where this communication is made effective within the game mechanics, not just via table-talk.
Posted by ghoul at July 17, 2006 03:08 PM
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Posted by: Arref at July 22, 2006 01:26 AM
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