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August 11, 2006
GenCon Day One PM and Day Two AM
Well, I'm successfully and completely moved to the new (and both slightly nicer and much closer to the con and connected via skywalk so less exposure to the wet and humid world) hotel.
NASCRAG went well last night, but after last year I won't even try to predict if "They Might Be Llamas" (my team) advanced. We had fun, though. I was playing the grumpy old widower fighter and ended up (as an over-zealous step in our disguise) married to the dotty Druidess. Which led to more grumpiness.
This AM, I loaded bags into bags and headed to the dealer's room again, this time not distracted by an hour in the OotS line...
I still haven't actually seen any of the ShadowWorld players, which suggests last night's game went late.
Purchases below the fold.
Human Head Studios sold me all three Villainy decks, because I just can't decide among an evil monkey, a mad scientist, and a creepy teenaged witch. Though I took a button as a minion of Mugga Mugga, the evil monkey.
Z-Man sold me Tempus, Reef Encounter, and Take Stock, plus game me a Take Stock t-shirt.
Atlas Games sold me the first two Pieces of Eight sets (and I now have 2 of the con-special captain coins), Recess, and Grand Tribunal.
I found a copy of the WWE d20 RPG Know Your Role that I've wanted for some time.
Kenzer and Company took my money for The Great Space Race.
A con-discount convinced me to by a 30% discounted Darkness Falls On Sevinpold.
Mongoose sold me their new Runequest (with GM screen and the Rune of Chaos intro adventure) plus the Paranoia Little Red Book (a player-creation and basic rules guide for newbies).
At Crystal Caste, I picked up the 2006 GenCon dice set
And, lastly, I stopped by Wicked-Dead and acquired several new (and old) John Wick and Annie Rush RPGs et al, including Wilderness of Mirrors, The Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men, Lacuna, Run Robot Redux, Play Dirty, and inTERRORgation.
At that point, my bag started to tear, so I hoofed it back to the hotel to unload.
25 more acquisitions.
Posted by ghoul at August 11, 2006 11:22 AM
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78 items in just a day and a half?! The people in the dealers' room must love you.
Posted by: Michael Curry at August 11, 2006 07:38 PM
Well, yeah... I've gotten rather grand responses at more than a few booths when they rang up the totals.
It'll slow down from here... there's maybe 10-15 more things that really interest me left, and I plan on mostly doing demos and such the rest of the time (which is what I did this afternoon, leading to only one more purchase).
Posted by: The Ghoul at August 11, 2006 08:23 PM
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