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January 05, 2007
Less (and More)
So, for those who might have wondered what happened to the boardgaming club reports... I haven't stopped doing them, but I also haven't made it to a Wednesday night gaming day in almost two months. I'm hoping work will lighten up a bit and let me resume attendance soon!
My bi-weekly RPG was called on account of GM cold this week, which would make this nothing but a message of "no gaming" except...
This Sunday, I'll be heading up to Geeks and Gamers and giving a trial run to Spirit of the Century, an RPG I've been looking forward to giving a try to since I spent the drive down to T'Con reading it. If this goes well, I'm hoping it lead to more opportunities to try small-company and Indy RPGs. I've put together what I think is a solid little intro episode (lacking only because I don't have PCs to directly hook plot points to) and printed up character generation aids... Should be a great day!
With any luck, you'll be hearing more about this soon!
Posted by ghoul at January 5, 2007 04:14 PM
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I'll wish you good luck with the game, and look forward to hearing how it goes!
Posted by: Michael Curry at January 5, 2007 08:56 PM
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