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August 18, 2007
Apple Vs. Other Guys
OK, let's imagine something.
Let's imagine you bought something three years ago. And, just two week or so back, it went belly up.
Let's say it's a tower computer. A really nice dual processor beauty. And let's say the power supply gave out, to the point that it started leaking nasty, oily fluid all over the place.
Now, let's say you take it to the company's store, tell them it's under warranty, and they promise to fix it.
And let's say that, after two weeks' effort and 2-3 replacements of pretty much every part, they can't manage it.
So... what do they do?
Well, I can tell you what Apple Computer does. They say "Sorry, we can't fix your G5 tower. So, come in tomorrow and we'll swap it out for a new MacPro dual Intel processor tower with as similar features as we can (i.e., the same RAM, a slightly larger HD, 2 extra drive bays for future use, and about 2-3 times the speed). Oh, and we'll port over all your data first, so that's taken care of."
How many other guys are going to do that for you?
Lesson of the story: not all warranties are worth the cost, but AppleCare pretty much is. I stopped on the way out from picking up the new tower to purchase coverage on the new machine.
Posted by ghoul at August 18, 2007 02:58 PM
This apparently is becoming a wider known issue:
Posted by: Julia at August 30, 2007 10:44 AM
Yes, I saw the macslash article last night. And yes, I had all the symptoms reported (fans running wildly, forced sleep due to overheating, a red LED coming on that never had before, then leaking oily liquid and final processor death).
A very unpleasant problem for Apple, but at least they're dealing with it correctly (albeit apparently a bit haphazardly... I got the "good" result, apparently, with a relatively short turn-around on the problem and very helpful Apple Store "Genius" assistance).
Posted by: The Ghoul at August 30, 2007 11:00 AM
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