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June 18, 2003

ReFi Fo Fum II

Paperwork continues. Rate slipped down another 1/8th of a percent, to a number I never in my wildest dreams expected to see on a mortgage with my name attached (4.0%!!). Getting worried about screwing something up, but so far fairly sure I haven't.

The Appraiser arrives tomorrow AM at 7:30, which means some clutter-reduction is on tap for tonight. Which will cause the next Favorite Games pair to not appear before Saturday (because Friday is The Hulk)... Sorry, all!.

Posted by ghoul at June 18, 2003 03:43 PM

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Is that perchance why Nikolao fell asleep, as opposed to trying for Isleen yet one more time? ;)

Posted by: Dorothea Salo at June 18, 2003 04:01 PM

Was -that- what it was, Dorthea? And all this time, I had thought that was just Nikolao's way of making sure Isleen knew how much he appriciated her help. ;)

Really, though. Refinancing. I wouldn't worry to much about it. Judging from the number of appraisals our office does for refis, and the small number of cases that our lending clients complain about, I can't imagine that there are very many things that can go wrong.

Posted by: Jessi at June 18, 2003 08:14 PM

Yes, indeed, it was far less than the build-up.

She was even early enough that she was done before she was supposed to arrive (but not so early that I wasn't ready and waiting with a book to pass the time).

Now it's waiting another week for various reports to shift around among the appraiser, bank, and closing company... And then, hopefully before July gets too well seasoned, I can close.

Posted by: Ghoul at June 19, 2003 08:28 AM

4.0%? We refinanced last summer and I was shocked at our rate, which wasn't quite that low. Good luck on having it go through with the minimum of hassle.

Posted by: Ginger at June 20, 2003 11:25 AM

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