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September 29, 2003

No, Not Dead

No, to those who have asked, I'm not dead, nor even seriously overloaded (though I was busy with AmberCon North for a bit there)...

Instead, I was just trapped with MT not wanting to let me log in until we fixed its links to sendmail, which it had somehow lost track of.

It needed sendmail because I'd forgotten my password and tried to reset it (rather than just waiting until I got home to use Kung-Log, which knows my password). The reset function set my password to a random string of letters, then tried to mail them to me... which failed because it could not find sendmail where it was looking.

Which meant my password was changed and I had no way to find out what it was changed to, at least not until Jeanne had enough time to direct the system to where its copy of sendmail resided, which she did tonight.

Which is all rather convoluted and nothing you really needed to know... Here's what's important.

All is well now and I should be back to regular posting soon.

The irony of all this happening just after I added a silly cartoon icon and the slogan "THE DEAD BLOG!" to the lower corner of the page does not escape me... It was supposed to be a mock cry of alarm, not an assessment of the state of my blog.

Posted by ghoul at September 29, 2003 06:17 PM

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God is an iron.

Posted by: Arref at September 29, 2003 07:54 PM

ps: my url is now

was great chatting at ACN.

Posted by: Arref at September 29, 2003 07:55 PM

I'm glad that the technical difficulties were finally cleared up. And that you are not, in fact, dead.

Posted by: Michael at September 29, 2003 09:51 PM

Glad to see you back!

Posted by: Jessi at October 1, 2003 12:02 AM

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