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September 29, 2003
Does This Mean Bond Will Only Drive BMWs?
Excepting the above issue, I have to thing this qualifies as great news.
Since first downloading and watching endlessly the wonderful short films he made at BMW Films, I've been thinking (and have said several times to friends) that Clive Owen had everything I, as a long-time Bond hand, wanted in my 007. And it seems he'll be given a chance to prove it!
Of course, he really shouldn't take the BMWs with him. I really don't care if they're a great car or not... They're simply not James Bond's car!
Posted by ghoul at September 29, 2003 06:37 PM
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Except... hasn't bond been driving BMW's non-stop for the last...
well, ever since Brosnan started playing the role?
Posted by: Doyce at September 30, 2003 10:34 AM
Not quite non-stop... I think there was a step away in some of the most recent films.
I was just worrying that picking someone rather identified with BMW would increase the trend rather than, as I would much rather see, reversing it.
Still, with or without BMW, the Bond films have become among the most extreme examples of product placement around.
Posted by: Ghoul at September 30, 2003 10:48 AM
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