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October 01, 2003
October is Eddie Month
Having decided to take a brief break from actuarial exams (a year, or at most two), I think I can safely say the main events of this month focus on the very funny Eddie Izzard.
I have his new DVD, the CD is on the way, and, as mentioned earlier (when the October exam was still looming), I have tickets to two different performances of his current tour, in NYC and in Boston.
All of which will likely result in even more very cryptic quips that will cause some people to giggle uncontrollably and others to wonder what is wrong with the first bunch.
To which I say "spider gravy".
Posted by ghoul at October 1, 2003 07:51 PM
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Posted by: Julia at October 1, 2003 08:44 PM
I've heard recently that they might use Izzard for the new Dr. Who series the Beeb is making. I was very impressed with his turn as Chaplin in _The Cat's Meow_, although I don't know anything else about his work and I've never seen his standup comedy.
Getting the Dr. Who job would certainly make it Izzard month.
Posted by: Ginger at October 3, 2003 03:45 PM
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