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October 11, 2004
New Games Starting
I'm playing in these, not GMing (I've determined I won't have time to GM until I get into better time habits, which I hope playing will encourage)...
Monrroyo is an Ars Magica campaign set in the early 13th century in the Navarre region of Spain. No, I really don't know much about that era and location, but I'm a big Ars Magica fan and I'm hoping I can make up for my own gaps with a character who has little concern for the non-mystical parts of life. I'm not quite done designing Ximun mechanically yet, but I'm starting to look forward to playing this rather troubled magus. (Ars Magica tends to encourage rather troubled magi, since you need big Flaws to match your nifty Virtues. Right now, Ximun is taking both to the maximum 10 points.)
Meanwhile, I'm also returning to Vampires in the Queen City (VQC) on Dreamlyrics (yes, it's a pay site... it helps keep the participants "serious" and cut down on invasions by trolls and other such web monsters). I played in the game back on CompuServe, and the GM is letting me bring my two characters back despite their rather sudden departure 5 years ago. I don't live in Cincinnati anymore, but I think I can manage to fake it as well or better than most of the players (who've never even been there). Thorn is already back, and Rosemarie will show up once the GM and I find a comfortable spot to re-enter the story.
There will likely be updates when interesting things happen.
Posted by ghoul at October 11, 2004 09:37 AM
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What about the bronze age game using the Hero Quest rules you were going to run?
Posted by: Tim Hall at October 15, 2004 04:59 PM
Unfortunately, that's been part of the "won't have time to GM" discovery.
I really do want to run it (actually "them", as it begs to be run in at least two parts), and I've got most of my notes ready, but my job's taking far more of my time than I'd expected back in the first part of this year.
Posted by: Ghoul at October 15, 2004 05:23 PM
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