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October 15, 2004
ACN Follow-Up
Well, as mentioned in several earlier entries, we had some significant hotel issues with AmberCon North this last year.
And so, we've developed this survey to allow interested parties to share their opinions and ideas on how to make things better with us.
So if you're interested, please take a moment and give us your advice!
Update: The survey has only been public since last night (it was announced by email to ACN attendees, the Amber Mailing List, and some other channels), and we've already had 11 (no... 16!) responses. You people are great! It's a little early, but I'm already starting to see basic trends (mostly where I would've expected them, but at least one semi-surprise). I'm sure this is going to help us a lot!
Posted by ghoul at October 15, 2004 05:58 AM
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