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April 28, 2005

Alternate Futures

So, there's really two things that could happen next Thursday. Okay, strictly speaking, millions of things, but only two big groups of things each with countless sub-variants.

1) I could go down to Boston after work, meet up with some friends, eat really good food, then drive home at a reasonable hour for getting to work on Friday.

2) I could go down to Boston after work, meet up with some friends, eat really good food, then I could get lucky, wrangle a reasonably priced ticket, and so go see a gotta-be-way-cool-movie with those friends, then drive home at a very unreasonable hour, at least as far as getting to work on Friday goes.

Right now, I'm not even going to be setting odds. The only good thing is that (1) isn't really all that bad. It's just that (2) would be much, much better. I suspect it may come down to how much I'm wiling to shell out. I've seen as much as $500 offered... I will not be matching anything like that.

Posted by ghoul at April 28, 2005 07:12 PM

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At least you have the chance (however, remote)of scoring a ticket. We Canadians actually have to wait until September 30.

Posted by: Tymen at April 30, 2005 12:57 AM

I am giving all sorts of value to that possibility, no matter how slight.

Posted by: Ghoul at April 30, 2005 07:23 AM

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