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May 20, 2005
Better Late than Never
(via the average-bear):
FIREFLY (FOX) - The Sci Fi Channel has landed the repeat rights to all 15 hours of the short-lived FOX series (and basis of the upcoming "Serenity" feature film). The network's July schedule lists the series as joining its Friday lineup on July 22 at 7:00/6:00c where it will precede original episodes of "Stargate SG-1", "Stargate Atlantis", and "Battlestar Galactica".
As I recall, Sci Fi passed on rescuing Firefly back in the day because they were trying to move away from, well, Sci Fi, and toward a schedule of cheaper reality shows (Scare Tactics) and the like. I suppose the success of "Battlestar Galactica" and the utter failure of shows like Scare Tactics has brought them to their senses. And it'll be great to have another way to seed people toward the greatness that is Serenity.
Posted by ghoul at May 20, 2005 09:14 PM
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