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September 30, 2005
No Power In The 'Verse
It's even better.
You remember, I saw Serenity back in May when the first set of fan sneaks happened. Since then, I've been waiting for a chance to see it with the right music, proper color correction, final SFX and all that other stuff.
And now, I have.
And, as I said, it's even better than it was first time out.
It's still a hard movie to watch, because characters I know and care about are put through the wringer. None come out the same. But if it wasn't hard, it'd be the lame silliness of this year's Star Wars film. I know, they're both "science fiction action movies", but the difference is night and day. This is a film about normal people doing normal people things, forced to do more and be more because they care. Sith was about bigger-than-life non-people being distracted from their big deeds and eventually destroyed by small, human things like love. Just think about the message there.
Then go see Serenity.
And, because Julia asked for a Firefly quote (and because this is the episode that was on Sci Fi just after I got home from the movie)...
ZOE: This is something the Captain has to do for himself.
MAL: No! No, it's not!
Posted by ghoul at September 30, 2005 07:58 PM
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