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August 15, 2006
GenCon Acquisition Summary
Yes, it's all listed before, but this is mostly so I have it in one place if I manage to find time to try (as I tried and failed last year) to do some cursory commentary as I read through all this...
Sorting is now Board/Card Games, RPGs, and Other Stuff, alphabetical rather than by selling company and rough order of purchase (as previous listings were).
Final count is around 112 items (counting the whole pitcher of dice as one item), at least one of which I plan to give away.
Board and Card Games
- Aqua Romana
- Battleground dwarven army starter
- Battleground dwarven army expansion
- Bison
- Blink
- Buccaneer
- Darkness Falls On Sevinpold
- Dead Man's Treasure
- Dead Money
- Drakon
- Easter Island
- Emira
- Figaro
- Funny Friends
- Gamer's Quarterly magazine with a mini Settlers of Catan expansion
- GoDice
- Grand Tribunal
- Hey That's My Fish
- King of the Beasts
- Knights of Charlemagne
- Knizia's Great Wall of China
- Mag*Blast
- Masons
- MiniMonFa
- MiniMonFa fairy expansion
- MiniMonFa undead expansion
- Oltre Mare
- Ostia
- Palatinus
- Pieces of Eight: The Cursed Blade
- Pieces of Eight: The Maiden's Vengeance
- Recess
- Reef Encounter
- Rigor Mortis: Aye, Dark Overloard
- Robber Knights
- Rum and Pirates
- Shear Panic
- Space Station Assault
- Take Stock
- Tempus
- The Arkham Horror Dunwich expansion
- The Great Space Race
- The Order of the Stick Adventure Game: The Dungeon of Dorukan (including "Zombie Gamers" promo card)
- Times Square
- Tombouctou
- Toppo
- Under the Shadow of the Dragon.
- Vapor's Gambit
- Villainy (all 3 decks)
- Wings of War expansion deck: Recon Patrol
- Wings of War expansion deck: Top Fighters
- World of Warcraft boardgame Shadow of War expansion
- Agon
- Carry
- Cyberpunk v3
- Cyberpunk v3 GM screen
- Cyberpunk v3 character dossier
- Don't Rest Your Head
- Drowning and Falling
- Faery's Tale
- GURPS Mysteries
- Hero's Banner
- Hollow Earth Expedition (with modified d8s)
- inTERRORgation
- Lacuna
- Mortal Coil
- Paranoia Little Red Book
- Play Dirty
- Primetime Adventures
- Push Volume 1
- QIN: The Warring States
- Run Robot Redux
- Runequest
- RunequesGM screen
- Runequest Rune of Chaos intro adventure
- Seven Leagues
- Shock
- The Princes' Kingdom
- The Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men
- Wilderness of Mirrors
- WWE Know Your Role
- The new Order of the Stick collection book
- 4 new OotS t-shirts
- 2 OotS character pins (Thog & Varsuvius)
- 2 OotS Christmas Tree Ornaments
- 2 OotS Give-aways, another pin (Elan with Banjo) and a fridge magnet (Belkar)
- HeroScape Sir Hawthorn figure
- Molniya Miniatures Golden Horde horse archer
- Mugga Mugga minion button (Villainy)
- Take Stock t-shirt
- Crystal Caste's 2006 GenCon dice set
- University of Catan t-shirt
- Pizza Box Football etched Dice Boot
- Dr. Lucky miniature
- One pack of Gamemastery item cards from the Hero's Horde set (will be giving this to Lou)
- A whole pitcher of random Chessex dice
- The Unspeakable Vault of Doom cartoon collection
- Cthulhu bumper fish
- 2 Hold-iit! card game organizers
- Settlers of Catan plastic board frames
- 4 Gen-Con logo-emblazoned items (backpack, messenger bag, "infinite bag of holding" aka smallish pack perfect for a couple sets of dice plus a pencil or two and bandana)
Posted by ghoul at August 15, 2006 02:50 PM
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