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November 23, 2006

Grumble, Grumble

This is very annoying.

Mainly because it created no notification I was likely to see, just caused my email account to be empty (except for email sent to my less-used mac.com and gmail.com addresses) for two days.

It's cleared up now (at least for my main matantisi.com and noneuclidianstaircase.com identities), but it is very annoying that Comcast thinks it is my responsibility to use email the way they think it should be used and feels no need to inform me when they are changing policies in dramatic ways (like blocking most mail forwarded from private SMTP servers, which is pretty much what they just did). To assume customers to be spammers from criteria that actually have only a circumstantial link to spamming is not a way to make happy customers.

Thanks, just john, for the comment that set me searching. Otherwise, it might've been a lot longer, given my lack of vigilance during vacation.

Posted by ghoul at November 23, 2006 08:23 PM

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Yeah, Comcast is filled with stupid yet again. The current policy at AT&T (formerly SBC, formerly SNET) is a blanket port 25 block, but you can ask them to remove it for you and they will. This thing Comcast is doing where you may or may not have your port 25 access blocked on any given day is just nuts.

And that's not even bringing up their previous policy of blocking email from plenty of dynamic IP addresses. Jenn pretty much can't send email to Comcast addresses from her home office via her cable modem, whether she's trying to do so via a personal email address or her official work one, which is even more of a pain because Comcast apparently hasn't bothered to explain to their subscribers just how much email they're blocking in the name of controlling spam.

Posted by: Michael Curry [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 24, 2006 09:27 AM

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